About ShaunFern
Joined February 2011
ShaunFern's Accomplishments

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JimB52 Premium
How is it going Shaun? Please send me the URL for your website. Would like to see what you are doing. I have one up... but still working on it. Look on the "Websites" tab on the sidebar. Hope all is gong well with you.
ShaunFern Premium
Hi Jim,

I've only recently started my campaign and there next to no content there lol. I will show you in a couple of days. :)
Eileiah Premium
Hey Shaun, how are you doing? Haven't seen anything in your blog lately so wanted to check in. I'm no expert on this stuff but I'm full of encouragement if you need some, lol. E.
ShaunFern Premium
Hey Eileiah, I was planing to write one yesterday but after I finished with IM, I was half asleep lol. I read yours though.. :) keep up the good work
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
ShaunFern Premium
thanks labman
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
ShaunFern Premium
Thanks Jamie! hard work ahead :)
ShaunFern Premium
Lets Rock!