First Couple of Days at WA

Last Update: March 03, 2011
Alrighty, so this is my first ever blog, when I said "first ever", I really mean first ever blog. I'm glad I'm doing it on wealthy affiliate, where I will strive to improve day by day, in every aspect (including blogging! lol)
Some quick info about me. I'm from Australia, 21 years old, currently working as a sales manager and fairly new to Internet Marketing. I have read on the subject for several months and came across WA site but didn't join till a couple of months later.

What I plan to do with my WA blog is to write everything I experience about Internet Marketing, including my stay here at wealthy affiliate. My ultimate goal with this blog is to share my experience with everybody and one day when I look back I can see where I started, and hopefully help some new people in the future as I come across road blocks and what steps I took to overcome them and move ahead.

WA have a lot of resources and I felt overwhelmed at first. Currently, I'm going through the action plan and I also made a "priority list", I think planning, what you're going to do is very important, as it will keep you on track and organized.

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ShaunFern Premium
Yeah Andrew, make a to-do list or a priority list and keep updating it as you go along. its important you do that, otherwise things get messy with so much information available

Hi Moon, Welcome to WA, Sure join in on the progress. Yeah I think blogging about your progress is great, it reminds you, things you did, kinda like revision and its fun :)
Andrew_M Premium
Hello shaunFern, I agree with you when you said to make a priority list. If I had done that earlier, who knows where I would have been today.
laydeemoon Premium
Hi, it's great to have come across your post. Just joined WA yesterday. Can i join in on your progress? :) Blogging about it looks like a good idea, it will also help the blogger himself track his own progress. I think I'll do the same.
ShaunFern Premium
Hello :) It will be a pleasure to work with you. I too will follow your blog and take your experience into account as you go along :)

haha we all whine, so its ok , thanks for the add

do you have yahoo?
Eileiah Premium
Hi: I too am new and I too decided to use my blog to write my experience doing this IM. Some days are good - some not so good. How are you doing? I'll add you to my buddy list so I can read your progress. Warning about my blog - some days there's whining, lol.