Posts by ShaunFern 4
April 26, 2012
WOW, Things have changed here for sure. Took a long break away from Wealthy Affiliate, 1 year in fact, but boy I'm glad to be back. I had a lot of free time when I first joined this and I got a job in sales and it just drained all the time I had for this. But I quit that job for now, I am looking for another job but this time I'm going to manage my time better, so I can work on my internet marketing. I have to say things have changed a little bit here. Site looks very different and m
March 12, 2011
Things are going pretty smoothly so far. I'm in the process of adding content to my site. I was having a bit of trouble with my website theme, when my title for the website didn't show up at the top lol. All is fixed now and going well. I also was thinking, when you're adding content, do you make a page for it? or do you make a post, under a category?  kinda a silly question, but leave your answers below :) I'm trying to be very specific with my content. I'm trying not to promote products i
March 07, 2011
Last couple of days have been pretty hectic, planning my first campaign and getting it up and running. I was really stuck; I didn't know what niche to choose. I followed my training from the action plan and some other resources and chose not to just pick a profitable niche, but something that I will enjoy doing. I just want to tell people, don't spend too much time picking a niche. Just choose something you will enjoy (or you know about). What you will end up spending a lot of time on, is resear
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Alrighty, so this is my first ever blog, when I said "first ever", I really mean first ever blog. I'm glad I'm doing it on wealthy affiliate, where I will strive to improve day by day, in every aspect (including blogging! lol) Some quick info about me. I'm from Australia, 21 years old, currently working as a sales manager and fairly new to Internet Marketing. I have read on the subject for several months and came across WA site but didn't join till a couple of months later. What I p