A reason not to cry

Last Update: July 23, 2010

I finally went out and got a website set up and hosted it at hostgator, it has only been online for  a week or so and yesterday when I went to log in to wordpress admin account I got the shock of my life.

My site has been deemed an attack site and has been de indexed by Google.  I am upset and am trying to find a solution.  

Hostgator tells me someone got into my ftp account, I scanned my computer thoroughly and have no malware or threats on it.  So I really don't know what happened.

Now I am supposed to apply for reconsideration and you have to install a snippet of code onto the site, only problem is I can't get in at all.  So is my site lost in space now?  I really don't know. 

Am trying to find someone who can help and see if I can get this resolved.

As much as I feel like sitting down and having a cry I know it won't help, I will either get this sorted out or will have to start a fresh site.

Just when you think you are getting somewhere. 

Hope your day has been better than mine.



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erussell Premium
My site was deindexed for a short period of time, nowhere to be found, I know what it feels like, but you just have to keep moving! If this site doesn't work, you'll just be more prepared next time right?
newwave1972 Premium
I feel your pain G shut down or I should say suspended my adwords account. Arguing with them now to fix it. Will let you all know so keep posted for the forum post because I do not want any other members to go through this one step ahead and then get kicked in the, well you know. Like I said I will not give up so keep your eyes out for the forum post.
Well, it's official. My website is gone too. When I type in the url MyProductReviewsNow.com, I get a message that says there is no website at this address. No explanation. My site is (was) hosted on WA. Any ideas what I can do to get it back?
Oh that's awful. So sorry to hear that. I've been having it rough too. My main landing page site that's hosted on WA is not loading. At all. Nothing like working hard to submit a bunch of articles and direct readers to a web site that won't work. Hope you get this resolved quickly.
Louise M. Premium
OK. don't worry. My site has been hacked a couple of times. What you have to do is go to google webmasters tool to analyze your website and that's where you can ask google to reconsider your website's indexation but you probably know that.

To add the piece of code to your website you can very easily access it with a software. No need to log in through wordpress. Go to http://filezilla-project.org/ and download the software. Then enter your FTP login info (that you can find on the WA hosting page if you're hosting your domain with them). And then, you have a direct access to all your files. You are able to edit them and add the piece of code that google needs you to put in your site. That's how I found the code that the evil hackers added to some of my files and I just deleted it. If you know the name of the virus that has been installed, you can look it up on google and check what the code looks like so that you can easily delete the code. Google should tell you which files have been attacked. If you have more questions, you can PM me. I'm not a pro but I've gone throught that and been helped by my dear friend Jay so I'm ready for the next attacks. ;)