Posts by Skyla 14
December 06, 2010
Am currently running my first WSO and have all ready made a sale. It is a little nerve wrecking to see what type of feedback I get, but have some good comments posted over there all ready. If you would like to take aadvantage of this special please have a look at my offer: WSO  Enjoy  
December 03, 2010
Wow, can't believe it has been so long since I left a blog post. Have been really busy with my two main projects.  The first is my PLR store I have been creating lots of content and want to run a WSO shortly! Plus I also started up a blog at My main reason for this was to create a page where I can add links to my article packs at Buy PLR Today. I am trying to create posts each day and have been rewarded as it is really helping push my individual products up in th
October 19, 2010
I have been busy creating more article packs and now have the following topics added: Blogging for Beginners Healthy Lifestyle Plantar Fasciitis You can check them out at Buy PLR Today If anyone wants other packs created, then just fill out my topic request form and I will let you know when they are ready.    
October 05, 2010
I have decided to take my writing one step further and create affordable PLR content for everyone. I have set my store up at and just released my newest PLR article pack today on wordpress plugins. My aim is to keep things affordable at a low price, so my content will be priced at $1 per page, whether it is an article, report or ebook.  What I am looking for are requested topics that people are looking for. If you are interested in using high quality PLR just visit m
August 17, 2010
I got myself in a post over at This is a very popular blog and it makes me feel good to be written about. Was allowed to give WA a plug to so that was great to see.  It is nice to see when some of your efforts start to pay off. Never hurts to read and comment on other blogs and it can certainly pay off in different ways.  Off to writing more articles......... Sue  
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July 23, 2010
I finally went out and got a website set up and hosted it at hostgator, it has only been online for  a week or so and yesterday when I went to log in to wordpress admin account I got the shock of my life. My site has been deemed an attack site and has been de indexed by Google.  I am upset and am trying to find a solution.   Hostgator tells me someone got into my ftp account, I scanned my computer thoroughly and have no malware or threats on it.  So I really don't know what
July 04, 2010
I came across a great new product that has been so helpful that I wanted to let others know about it.   Affiliate Marketing Lifeline, is exactly what it says, a lifeline on how to get your article marketing campaigns up and running.  It contains great information on how to set up a campaign and just how many articles that you need to get out there in a month. There is so much information on back links and web 2.0 properties and how to use them.  I was really impressed with th
June 08, 2010
Just trying to see how many people are using the new Mad Marketing course for their promotions? If you are did you have any trouble getting the blog set up?  For the life of me mine will not show up and I am at a loss of what to do next.  Posted in the forum and have received no replies, which is why I am wondering how many are actually using this. Will give it another try later and see if I can even access my admin panel.  Here's hoping.  
June 01, 2010
We are just about getting ready to leave for the long drive to Montreal to visit my son Matt who is graduating from his Army training course tomorrow! We are very proud parents and it is wonderful to see your child achieve something that he has been working so hard to get. After this first round of training he will be living in Kingston and going to the Army school there to finish his training as an Electrical Engineer. We wish him all the best and just wanted to blog about him and boast to my f
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April 30, 2010
When I first joined WA my first goal was to make enough money to pay for my membership, as I really did not want to keep charging the monthly fee. In my first month I made half the money as I had a referral join within my first week. This month, before the end of my second month is even close, I have managed to earn my membership fee.  I did this by using the job board and applying for a couple of writing jobs. I then posted my own service and got quite a few responses from there. So I am h
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