Lessons Learnt

Last Update: March 25, 2010

Being new to Wealthy affiliate I thought that keeping a blog of my progress will be a great reference for the trials and tribulations I will no doubt have to venture through.

That said my first issue was not being able to stay logged into the system.  I was so excited and wanted to get learning but every time I clicked a link I was booted out and then finally just could not get back in.

An email to my sponsor and the solution use Firefox!  Installed it and hey presto! Back in business.

I followed the lessons and sent an email to my small list of people, who like me have tried so many home businesses and ended up spending money without getting any return.

I did not exclude anyone, let them make their own decisions, and I got a sign up!  So half my membership for next month is paid, one more to find.  My first goal here is to get the membership paid for each and every month.  

So I am working on learning how to research a niche and pick topics. At this point I am still a little confused by it all, but practice makes perfect, so will keep going along.

In less than a week here, I am very happy with what I have learnt and am looking forward to learning and earning more. 





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