Week 2 Coming to a Close

Last Update: March 31, 2010

With it being Good Friday tomorrow, decided to write this today while I have the time. My time here at WA has just flown by, can't believe it has been 2 weeks all ready!

I managed to write 3 more articles and submitted them, 2 have been approved on Ezine articles, actually within a matter of days, so that was fast.  I have finally mastered submitting to Free Traffic and adding all the open and close spin tags!  By using the my linker cloaking tool have tracked the links to my squiddo pages, so I am getting traffic.  No sales in clickbank yet but clicks to the promotion page at least. 

Having been following the lessons and creating my niches and want to follow the pet thing some more, especially as I do love writing about my 2 dogs.  So will see where that takes me. 

So another productive week.  Will have a busy weekend, as Matt is coming home from Montreal for the weekend, so we will get to hear the horrors of Army training camp!!! He loves it.

To all my friends here at WA have a happy and safe Easter with your families. 


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