21 Down, 51 to go

Last Update: July 01, 2011

I've been slower in making websites lately; part of it's the heat, and part of it's just feeling down. I thought I'd churn out 5 that was related (kid's show) but they took forever. I guess stuff I don't like takes longer.

I'm trying to knuckle down and bang out the rest. I'm going to focus on cutting out the extra stuff, and getting at least 1 good quality page up on each Halloween domain. That way I can start trying to get them to rank, and then go back and add additional content as I have time.

For some, one good page would probably be all I need. Afterall, if there's only one costume, why make multiple pages when I can flesh out on page with the costume and recommended accessories?

 On a bonus note, sales are still trickling in. I saw $25 and change in May, and another $23 in June, so that's good. Last year I didn't see my first sale until August, and it was $3.

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Labman_1 Premium
Soon the trickle will become a flood. That is unless you put your finger in the dike.(Or Google does). Keep at it