Forgot About One Of My Websites, Got A Surprise

Last Update: December 31, 2011

I picked up an Amazon auto poster plugin last year, and then had planned on creating a whole series of websites using this plugin, around the tea niche. I'd just gotten into drinking all kinds of teas, so I thought it would be great.

So I made the first site, Japanese Cast Iron Teapots. Then I forgot about the site, after rewriting 30 short blurbs about teapots, tea accessories, and teas. I added a few pages, got the site indexed, and burnt out.

In short, I forgot about it. 

In November I  recieved a gift card from Amazon, for about $30. I thought it was a scam and ignored it.

A couple days ago I received another gift card, again about $30. So, I decided to do some looking around. I found both cards to be legit, so on a hunch I checked my Amazon Affiliate.

My little site, that I'd forgotten about, had made about $84, and that's where the gift cards had come from.

So, I took a look at it, and I've decided to sell it. I like it, in fact, I'm really partial to it,  but I need to focus on other things right now. And face it, if I've forgotten about it once, what's not to say that I won't forget about it again.

So, if you're interested in a semi-auto blog about Japanese teapots,  check out the listing. I'm sure with some care and feeding, it will come up in ranks, and make more money. I just don't have the time for it.


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