72 Websites...

Last Update: May 19, 2011

*Note: Yikes! I'm blog of the day! This was a quick post done to keep myself accountable. I've gotten a few comments about how and why and if I'm nuts, so I've written a second post about it. You can find it here.*


I have 72 Halloween costume websites. That's a lot of website.


13 are done. 8 need me to go through them, because they're leftover from last year, and some costumes have taken off.


30 have been put into my hosting, with barebones wordpress installs.


29 need added in, that's today's goal.


Then, I get to go have fun and find costumes!

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sherbet penny Premium
Wow, I have 13 Halloween sites and that is way way to much for me ha especially with all the competition. Keep us posted how you get along, I will add you to my buddy list.
smadronia Premium
Veronica, thanks for lettimg me know you have 2 costumes sites for sale. Right now I have my hands full with the ones I already have, but thanks for letting me know you have them.
You might hold onto the Avatar costume site, if nothing else. They're looking at making a second Avatar in a couple years, so having an aged domain like that could bring in a bunch of money for you.
smadronia Premium
I do write articles. Not a lot, but at least one or two articles per website. I also will write articles that cover more than one website. For example, I might write an article about sexy costumes for women, and then reference 4 costumes that are websites I have. Then, in my resource box, I will reference 2 of them. Or, if I'm submitting to Free Traffic System, I'll reference 2 within my article.
veronica.l Premium
Hi, do you want two more? :-)
Last year I wanted to get in to the halloween niche, but other sites came in the way... So I have one site that is pretty much ready to go, with some backlinks it can easily rank very high in the search engines, it is a targeted site : http://www.avatar-costumesnow.com.
The other site is pretty much just the domain I never got around to do much with it http://toystorycostumesnow.com/
Let me know if you would be interested, just send me a PM.

Have a great day and good luck with your Halloween project!
Sherion Premium
I can hardly keep up with one right now. Do you do articles for all of these?