Finally Seeing Steady Income

Last Update: October 15, 2010

I have made money every day in October, without actually doing any website building. I submitted a couple articles, but that's been it.


Of the 7 Halloween themed websites I have, all but two have made me some sort of Comission Junction comission. And, all of them have been making me Adsense revenue.


I don't have enough Adsense to get paid this month, but I've tripled the amount of earnings I've made in all my previous months, and I'm thrilled.


And! I'll be getting paid by CJ when all the comissions go through, I'm well over their $50 minimum payout, and I figure I'll still see earnings through the end of the month.


this i s a good feeling. Go me!

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Sherion Premium
Congrats to you. Really gives me some encouragement.
Jamie Smith Premium
congrats on your success!
erussell Premium
Nice job. Taking action, learning, and progression pays off.
Louise M. Premium
That's great! Congrats!! :)
Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations. Nice to see a steady stream.