First Ranking Spot on Yahoo

Last Update: July 13, 2010

So, for fun I decided to run a rank checker on one of my halloween costume sites. Last week it wasn't listed with a spot on google or yahoo, and was 22 on Bing.

 This week, it's #1 on Yahoo.

 I did a little happy dance. Then I had to get distracted because my partner was more interested in Yahoo's front page  about the Deadlist Catch guy than what
I was looking up. Oh well.

Ranking in Google still sucks, but the domain's only been registered 3 weeks, and the site's been up 2, with only a couple pages indexed thus far. So, I need to be patient.

 Still #1 is good, even if it's yahoo and not Google.

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smadronia Premium
I was really pleased to see that, and #13 in Bing, because it means I've created a site that's relevant to the keyword I'm targeting. And that's always good. I hope Google finds me rank worthy before September, since it's a Halloween costume site, and something I'd like people to see for the season.
iFaith Premium
Hooray - #1 in Yahoo is better than being lost in internet index space. You'll start getting traffic and Google will follow soon enough. Good job!