Leading A Horse To Water

Last Update: May 02, 2011

Ever heard the phrase, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink? I feel like that this week.


I have a friend, a nice gal, but she can't catch a break. She's trying to get her photography business off the ground, but she's not getting any clients. And, since she's doing photography from a wheelchair, a lot of people are hesitant to hire her. So, no clients = no cash.


She can't keep her phone bill paid, the house she's renting part of is being sold, and there's no clients. She's super stressed.


So, I suggested she try PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing. I even said I'd do a campaign with her. I've had it for a while, but never implemented it. So, I figured it was the push I needed to try it out, and it couldn't hurt her to give it a try.


She agreed to give it a shot. However, she knows NOTHING about Affiliate Marketing. And, despite reading OWM and the other materials that come with it, nothing sank in.


So, I had her find a product on Clickbank, and I went and did some keyword research for her. I gave her the list of what keywords to use, and then I went and found my own campaign.


That was a week ago. I have 3 lenses done, a fourth started, and my lenses are starting to rank.


She... has one lens, but it's not published. She's also put all her text in the intro, and copied it from another website. We had to have a talk about that.


She's trying to get motivated. I give encouragement when I can, but I'm flagging.


I can lead her to potential money online, but it won't help if she won't implement it.

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smadronia Premium
I think that's why products sell so well. In theory they're easy to do, and will work. But, they require work and determination, and if people aren't wanting to put that in, they won't work.
My friend has wandered off to sell scentsy candles now, so I wish her all the best. Maybe she'll come back to this ,but I doubt it.
Wayne Hudler Premium
I know you feel frustrated. But think of how many pay for WA and a bunch of other shiny tools and software and NEVER use any of it.

Seems some only say they want to do this IM thing.