Made a Squidoo Lens, now we wait

Last Update: May 31, 2010

Made a Squidoo Lens today. Followed PoPieGirl's Squidoo How To, and added in my RSS feed for my blog like the Niche Blogger suggested. Now, I hope it get approves and goes live for backlinks. with all the backlinking I've done in the last couple weeks, I should be in good shape.

 Now, just gotta write some more blog posts, and let it go for a bit. This was a dismal attempt as a first Nniche blog (should have researched better) but it'll at least be a decent site, even if there's not much income from it. 

Oh yeah, my Lens.

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smadronia Premium
I appreciate the comment, and that you took a look at it. This one isn't an affiliate link, I used a combination of both PotPieGirl's suggestions, and Niche blogger suggestions, so this one is simply to promote the attached website and get me some backlinks.
However, the next one will be for an affiliate product (ties into my website) and I will take your advice and move the big arrow link up, and skip the rss feed.
Jay SWAT Premium
I'm no expert but here are a couple of suggestions that might help.

Take your "big arrow" link and move it up in between "why mining" and "how do i get started mining". This helps break the page up and make it a "easier" read on the eyes. Not only that but it gives the reader a chance to go ahead and jump ahead to buying what they are already looking for.

I could be wrong on this part but, i don't believe you are supposed to be linking to your articles from your lens. This is taking customers away from the affiliate site you are trying to link to. You want all your articles to link to your squidoo lens and you lens only links to your affiliate sales page. Provide multiple links to that sales page throughout your lens.

Hope this helps. I know i was confused on some of this same stuff.
