Results of Halloween

Last Update: November 05, 2010

So, I totaled up my Halloween blogging income, and the results aren't stellar, but it's by far the most money I've made in Internet Marketing.

  $120.36 off Comission Junction

$19.74 from Adsense for September and October.


Grand total: $140.10


Not a huge amount, but I am pleased. And, I only had 7 sites up, and only 2 made 0 sales. One, which went up in early October, made $30 in CH commissions alone, so I was pleased.


This month has hadno sales and only $0.25 in adsense,so I know it was all the Halloween stuff. Now, I'm studing a few programs I've purchased, and I'm deciding what I want to do from here on out. My ex is trying to find a job, and having limited luck with it, so I've been giving him a bit of coaching, and information to get him started. I'm also going to start a personal blog, detailing my Internet marketing, hobbies, and other things, just to have an outlet to vent. 

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erussell Premium
That's awesome, congratulations! When I started making money, I was happy as long as I was continually improving. Even though it may not be as fast as you'd like, you still are progressing!