Tedium is a Killer

Last Update: July 02, 2010

Ever play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City? One of the talk radio show parodies involves a shyster selling a series of tapes for "Think your way to success." In other words, not actually doing (although that's another tape), but thinking. That was me a couple weeks ago, and like I said in my last blog post, I'm taking action, not just thinking on it.

I'm not able to sign up for the Halloween Super Affiliate, but I did attend the free webinar, and gained a lot of useful information. And then I went and registered a whole slew of domains names. Slew being 16 in this case. Not the 125 that the Halloween Super Affiliate guy said he had up last yea, but with my budget, I think 16 is plenty.

 I went and set one up with wordpress, set up the theme, customized it to look nice, wrote all the pages, and then put it together. It looks good, all it needs it a final check of links and then I can let it sit for a couple weeks. It took me probably 10-15 hours, but for the first site, I'm not surprised. Then I moved to the other 15. 

The tedium is killing me.

I decided it would be smarter to set up all the Wordpress blogs, the email, and the email forwarding, so I could focus on themes and content for each individually. It took me4 days of off and on work, around my normal job, to slog through all of that. The worst part about Wordpress was having to install plugins and get all the settings right. I'm sure I messed a few up, since I did it in a haze, but I can go through and correct later.

Now I get to focus on hunting costumes and writing up pages. This will have more diversity, so maybe the tedium will go away.

 At least I'm working on something, right?

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