
Last Update: July 29, 2010

A/C broke in Alberta last week, so I spent a week cooling my heels in motel rooms in southern California. I managed to get a couple websites done, although I find if I don't like the topic at hand, they really drag.


Still, I'm 4 of 16 for costumes, which is better than nothing.


And better still, I logged into Comission Junction today. I was actually getting a code for the new website I'm working on, and my eyes drifted up to the top corner. You know the one, in my case it usually says "Earnings $0.00."


Not Today.


$3 is now up there.


I know it's not much, but if I can get $3 comission on a costume in JULY, from a site that's really only getting traffic from Yahoo and Bing, then  I must have done something right. And, if I can get a sale in July, how much better will September and October be?


I'm thrilled.

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moonvine Premium
Hooray for the sale! and yes, those Halloween sales are going to go way way up! Hold on to your hat!
burntout Premium
Congrats on that sale! I hope there are many more ahead.