Calling Like Minded Buddies

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Hello WA Members:

 I just rejoined WA in June and have been a "newbie" for toooooo long.  

 It would be great to interact with like minded people, just for support or sharing ideas.

So, if anyone can relate to the following type of Affiliate Marketer, I would be delighted to have you as a "buddy": 

*I don't want to be "famous" by plastering my picture and videos of me on sites (want to keep a low profile)

*Like the autopilot/passive income model where you do the work one time and still get residual income for years.

 That's all for now.  Have a great day!



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adriennemichel Premium
You seem to have a special insight so I'm glad to have you back. And, you have a great day too!
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
I think your age is an asset to video marketing but I feel where you're coming from. An "Auto-Pilot" business is disability insurance to me. We all need something to generate income without physically doing work (I can do that anywhere). It can be buying disability income or hiring people to run your business. I am hoping my work will provide enough income when I'm too old to generate income. Good luck with your IM career!
moonvine Premium
lol I have no intentions of being in videos! I am way way too old for that. Auto-pilot sounds really good.