FREE Tool - Create 4 Images For Your Webpage

Last Update: November 12, 2010

Attention WA Members& Buddies:

Have you seen those cool graphics on a Sale Page..., you know, the "Buy Now" button, the "Money Back Guarantee" certificate, etc.?  What if you could create really good looking graphics in 5 minutes to pep up your webpage?  Would you be interested?  

No downloading another (graphics) software, no need to learn new skills (unless you don't know how to click and drag), and no need to pull out your wallet.

I wonder if you'd get more clickthroughs if you had a big fat button that said "Click Here To Lose 5 Pounds in 7 Days - WITHOUT Cardio" (or, I'm sure you can come up with some tempting phrases since you are an Internet Marketer)

There is a NEW Free Online Tool to help you create this.  

When you click over to the site, you will see a video on how to create something using this simple tool.








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Labman_1 Premium
Looks like a nice way to create JPEGs. I bookmarked it for later. Thanks for sharing this resource. Added you to my buddy list.
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Hi "Labman" hope you found some use for it. You gotta love beautiful graphics, huh (at least I do).