Help Post- How LIVE Chat Can Help You FAST

Last Update: August 05, 2012
For Members I'm Personally Helping. This is where we would communicate b/c we might lose our conversations in the Live Chat area.

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(See Update Below To How Helping Can Help YOU Earn Money)

The Benefit Of Wealthy Affiliate's LIVE Chat Platform - A Member Get's 3 Clickthroughs By Then End Of 30 Minute Chat

@SquidooSlfMstr Well, I have images, the fact is I get a 30% CTR on the imges, but do you think my links are not a good Call to Action?

@zaspuckl I would keep the arrows in if that product offers the "answer" to their problem. But, if your guide will provide what they are looking for, then take out the arrows (links) and add the affiliate links throughout the guide (when that product will provide a benefit to them).

@SquidooSlfMstr Okay, well on the tattoo, I changed the calls to action, tomorrow will tell since I get good traffic a single day can show me results if I'm going to get them.

@SquidooSlfMstr For the running guide I will look at the testimonials and see about making them into a "guide" the guide is just a story with affiliate links

@SquidooSlfMstr Thanks for the tips, if I can get the one getting tons of traffic to convert just a little better I can join here and just blow up my affiliate income!

its actually ranked top 3 for a number of popular search terms!

Move all those Flickr image to the bottom of your lens b/c you are likely losing clicks to your main affiliate link. I would click away from your lens to see more of that flickr image. Move your main affiliate promotion up in the lens with the call to action link or use an image with "click here for immediate access to over 8000 designs" or something like that .

@SquidooSlfMstr Like this?:

@SquidooSlfMstr I didn't publish, sorry one sec

@SquidooSlfMstr pin up girl tattoos

brings in around 100 a day I think

@SquidooSlfMstr Okay, I republished, hows that look?

@zaspuckl I would guess this keyword is coming from someone who wants ideas for a tatoo. So, that site that sells? the designs seem like it might be what they're looking for (we don't know that). Maybe they are still searching for ideas. In that case. Go find a bunch of different Pin up girl tattoo designs and put the images on your lens. Then put a link saying something like "On Sale Now" or "Get This Download Design Now"

@SquidooSlfMstr That's What I did now I have a big image that says click here for over 8000 tattoo designs, and two arrows that have call to actions so hopefully, I know the traffic to the page is looking for pin up tattoos, pin up girl tattoo designs was my orginal keyword and I sell at about 1:200 for my first two (and only ever) clickbank sales, one got refunded but still I think if I can get the hops I can make the sales

Put that "Find Your Dream Tattoo Now" link ABOVE the Table of Contents. I, the searcher, want to see ideas NOW. PICTURES would get the best CTR, I think. Your job is to find cool Pinup Girl Ideas. Just put a few images right below the Intro Module. Then put your links saying " Click Here To Find Over 8000 Tattoo Designs Now"

@SquidooSlfMstr Okay, one sec I have an idea...let me know what you think....

@SquidooSlfMstr Okay, total facelift let me know!

@zaspuckl Hey "zaspuckl" could you leave all your comments on my "Help Blog" here b/c I might have to step away. And, I don't want to lose all our chat info as it gets pushed down and eventually disappears. Go here:

@SquidooSlfMstr sure i don't have anything else, just did you get to see the update?

@zaspuckl OK, I'm back. Yes, I did see it. Much better in my opinion. But, only the MARKET is right so we'll just have to see if you get more Click throughs. Is that free to join, or do you have to pay to see the designs?

@SquidooSlfMstr they have some samples but you pay to join.

@SquidooSlfMstr they have some samples but you pay to join.

@SquidooSlfMstr Also, I don't know if you click on the intro link, but since I moved it I already got 3 CTR

@SquidooSlfMstr well so far I have made all my sales while sleeping, so I am gonna go do that, I owe you a bunch for all the great tips!

@zaspuckl AWESOME! OK, any comments from now...please leave on my blog b/c I must step away again. See you on my blog post if you need any more help.

@SquidooSlfMstr Thanks ur a squdioo master for sure!


Just after giving "zaspuckl" my advice on how to get more clickthroughs to his affiliate product, I "coached" myself.

I was telling him to give his visitors what they were looking for/ what they wanted, i.e. different Pinup Girl Tatoo designs.

So, my stats were saying my visitors were clicking over but were NOT buying (See image below).
Well, I played the role of my customer and clicked over to the product. I discovered my item was OUT OF STOCK. Now, they could have easily found another seller on Amazon but that was too "difficult" for them. So, they clicked away/ or just put it in their basket but DID NOT COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION.

NOTE: it's hard to see the image below but the main point was to show that if you are getting visitors but not getting clickthroughs, sales, optins, or some kind of action taken, something is not right.

1 week, site got 55 clickthroughs to product page>>>>> 0 sales

I noticed item was out of stock. So I re-linked to a seller that had the product in stock.

2 days site, got 33 clickthroughs to product page>>>>>>4 sales

Coincidence? I don't know but I'll take the sales:)

LESSON: it's VITAL to know what your visitors are looking for, i.e. free information, where to get a coupon, etc. and give that to them. Then add a call to action link , i.e. To Find Out Why Over 68 Product Owners Gave This 4-5 Stars CLICK HERE NOW (and link to the product reviews page).

LESSON: If you know enough where you can help someone accomplish something / solve something, then you know you are well versed in the subject. Make pretend you are a student that wants to make money online and Coach yourself. It's reveals what you do and DO NOT know.
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Judy Brown Premium
Just getting started on this whole web concept as far as viewing it as a potential market for me but I'm so excited to learn more! Good to be here!
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Good to have your here, Judy. Exciting to learn??? I never thought I'd LOOK FORWARD to "working/learning." I admit, I'm addicted to internet marketing.
Here is the update, what do you think?
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Sorry stay here. Yes, I did see it. Much better in my opinion. But, only the MARKET is right so we'll just have to see if you get more Click throughs. Is that free to join, or do you have to pay to see the designs?

Do you know of any pin up girl designs that your can purchase (that has an affiliate program)? If so, if this doesn't covert well, go out and find some cool designs for them and put that image on your lens. They can click "Here" if they want to "Get Your Personal Copy" of that design. But, wait and see how that change goes. Only do as much necessary to achieve your goal. Sometimes we touch things too much and make it worst (I'm guilty). There is a point of diminishing returns.