Gaming Computers

Last Update: February 07, 2010

Hi Guys

My first Squidoo Lens

 I finally did my Lens. You can check it out here Computer Gaming

If any one can help me improve it, or give me some ideas on how I can make it better, It would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Jim

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Roy Penrod Premium
And make sure you use the phrase Best Gaming Computer, not Best Gaming Computers. They're technically different keywords and there's a big difference in the numbers of searches (9900 per month for the first and 2400 per month for the second).
Roy Penrod Premium
Well, "Best Gaming Computer" jumps off your Squidoo page for me.

I did a quick search on it at the Google Keyword Tool and it looks like 9900 people a month are searching for that keyword.

So you might want to focus on that for your keyword and create a lens reviewing the top 3 gaming computers.

You don't have to talk about the kinds of games people play because you're targetig gamers who want the "best gaming computer".

If I searched for that keyword, I'd want to know what makes a computer the best for gaming. Is it just a better graphics card?

The truth is people aren't looking for information. They're looking for advice. If someone searches for "best gaming computer", they want you to tell them which one is the best for gaming. They want you to give them a buying preference.

And if you've had a bad experience with Alienware, share that. It gives you a great story to share and they'll appreciate you steering them away from a brand that could give them a problem.
stanleytjim Premium
Thz Roy I was also was thinking of Alienware Computers But my experience with then is not a pleasant one. Although I should just throw that out the window and just take my pride to heart!! And as are keywords I might need alittle help on that as I am a newbie on what i am trying to target? Plus most gamer play all different kind of gamers!!
Roy Penrod Premium
Hey, Jim ... I checked out your lens. What keywords are you targeting with it? And what segment of gamers are you aiming for?

If you're aiming for gamers with some cash to spend, you might want to mention Alienware computers. A friend of mine has an Alienware laptop and that thing is sick.
odelad21 Premium
Looks pretty good to me. Simple, yet effective.