Day 3 @ WA "Yoono a sidebar that is handy"

Last Update: May 24, 2010

Day 3 @ Wealthy Affiliate.

Hello there new friends, I thought it would be wise to jot down my journey, my thoughts and tribulations... This would be good for myself to look back on and for future friends to have a read and add to...

So today was a great start for me, I woke up, cleaned the house, put a load of washing on because today, here in Australia we have an Awesome Sunny day and save power and the planet, sunshine is the best for drying your cloths...

Before I turned my PC on and sit down, because once I sit down I am there for hours so it is best to get everything else done first...

"That's a Great bit of Advice there".

I try to keep on a path but it is so easy to get side tracked with Google, Twitter and a very cool add-on called "Yoono"... What this little add-on does is lets you add your Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linked in, Friend Feed, Flicker, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger accounts... Once added Click the all tab and when you add a comment in the What's Happening box and submit, it will submit that comment to accounts added...

How Cool is that...

Try it my new friends, this is an asset and a time saving tool... 

Today so far with WA I have added some more friends to my biggest asset in the world, my group of friends... As the days go past I look forward to growing with my new found friends and hopefully get taught something along the way...

Good Fortunes my Friends from Global Unity Brings Success.


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