Day 5 @ WA "Doing Something you want to Instead of something You Have to".

Last Update: May 24, 2010

Day 5 @ Wealthy Affiliate.

Good Morning everyone from a Wet and Windy Australia.

Today has been a slow start, I have tweeted my interests, helpful hints and opportunities to my Twitter Friends. I have made some more friends @ Wealthy Affiliate, the family here is awesome and I am looking forward to gaining a world of knowledge from the Wise and Successful Entrepreneurs...

Speaking of learning something, I wouldn't have thaught to use  eBay or Amazon as a research tool, find out what is being sold, what people are actually opening their wallets for... Very Cool...

My little holiday is over people, I have had a fracture in my right hand which has slowed me down a bit also it has stopped me from doing my employed job... I am not that wealthy at the moment and every little bit of cash coming in the better... Anyway, that time has come and I am back to work, I enjoy work but I would rather be doing something I want to do rather than something I have to do... There is a difference and that time will come with the help from Wealthy Affiliate and it's Members...

Good Fortunes my Friends from Global Unity Brings Success.

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Jamie Smith Premium
I just got our twitter pages linked up