A New Internet Marketing Beginning

Last Update: June 06, 2010

I just joined Wealthy Affiliate today.  I learned about this place on Friday and was very interested in learning what it was all about.  I figured for the monthly price I really could not go wrong and of course take advantage of the low price before it went way up.

I am pretty experienced in internet marketing, as I currently work in this field at my day job.  I know about SEO, article syndication, social media and linkbuilding.  But, honestly, I needed a place where I could really understand this stuff, and have it all in an organized place.  I do have some blogs up already and other sites mainly to earn affiliate earnings, but I am really unsure if I am doing it right sometimes.  Yes, I have earned money already, which is a great achievement.  The first time I ever earned money through one of my websites got me super motivated and I figured if I could really optimize my sites I could quit my day job and work entirely on these sites for a living!  That idea alone is enough motivation to keep going. 

I totally believe in investing in your education and business, and I hope for me this is a wise one!  I've joined membership sites in the past and some really don't let you interact with others or give you too much information that you become so overwhelmed and give up.  I've been there and its so discouraging!

So with that said, I am happy to be here, and really looking forward to learning from other people of all levels of learning.  I also hope to help others too with what I know.

Since I have some time to spend exploring the site before I get my next lesson, I am really going to familiarize myself with the tools and forum.  If you're reading this blog post thanks!  Feel free to say hello!

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