This Is Quite Overwhelming...But I Think I'm Addicted!

Last Update: June 08, 2010

So it's been a couple days since I signed up for WA and because I have to wait for the next lesson in the training plan, I decided to check out the other areas of the site, mostly about Article Marketing and SEO.  Talk about overwhelming.  I really can't believe I am paying so little for SO much great information.  It's quite inspiring reading about other members success stories, and it is motivation for me to get there too!

I really wanted to take action on something, just to get something out there, and it was quite difficult for me to do so.  I made a Squidoo lens today as an experiment, based on the keyword research tool and the fact that it was a product review on a product that I absolutely can vouch for. 

Even though I have a couple blogs, one that is still fairly new and has no traffic, I hope to just use the blog as a way to write these reviews and see how much organic traffic I can get.  I also figure that the blog can help me become a better writer too.  My husband has a blog that has already has a good amount of traffic and have already earned some commission from affiliates but I really want to ramp that blog up to earn more.

I was telling my parents that I was doing this and my dad was actually very interested in it.  Since he is into golf I want to experiment the niche by making a website on the topic and see where it can go.  I told him that if the blog earns any money I'll just give it all the earnings to him.  So there's another project for me to think about!

This whole affiliate marketing thing is so addicting to me.  I am constantly thinking about different topics that I could write about and problems people have and how I can leverage those problems into a solution that helps others and of course benefits me.

It's exciting, and I really hope I can become successful with this!

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RocketRick Premium
Hi Susanjane, Your enthusiasim is fantastic and easy to understand. I agree there really is so much good information available in here for the price that the value is amazing. I also started looking into article marketing while waiting for the next lesson to be released. I followed PotPieGirl's directions and also created my first lens. I'd love to take a look at yours and see if I could learn from what you've done and vice versa if you're interested.