Getting My Money's Worth

Last Update: August 21, 2010

So I was tired of feeling like I wasn't progressing in what I was doing in my day job, so I quit.  I am now self-employed and determined to make money through what I know in internet marketing and affiliate marketing.  I've been following the One Week Marketing program and I've been having difficulty with it.  Mainly because I can't get my lenses to index.  I'm disappointed but what can I do.  I did write some articles that got accepted to EzineArticles.  Three of them to be exact, and it feels good that I have some articles under my belt there.  Now, I just need to continue with what I am doing and really figure out how to succeed and make money.  I'm going to be going through the training modules and action plan and start really understanding more because I'll admit that I would just skim through and not fully understand every single thing.  It is really different being on my own and I surprisingly don't have problems with pushing myself in doing work.  I know that it all depends on me to succeed and although I expect mistakes and even failure on things I've tried out, I know that I will learn as a result.

So as far as my blog title says, I think I'm definitely going to get my money's worth by going through this forum and everything that WA has to offer!

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famousplumber Premium
How positive you are! You inspire me! Thank you.

Larry (famousplumber)