Enjoy My Top Two Favorite Motivational Movies

Last Update: January 09, 2010

212 was my slogan last year. Because of that, I accomplished quite a few of my goals. Now, I know I need to more carefully choose my goals and perhaps, boost the goal levels up a notch without being to the point of setting myself up for failure. You are in IM--you know the drill. Click here to share the 212 experience with me

Don't worry. There is no trick, no email list to join--just pure enjoyment.

Now, then--I have a couple of questions. I can't be here purely for enjoyment. I will have to focusI need to discipline myself from developing habits of spending time on non productive acts.

SO--is WA blogging productive financially in any way? This is an internal blog, right? Is the idea mainly for social interaction and teaching?

I do not understand the WA "Gold" concept. I looked around and found the one page for WA Gold, but I still did not understand if there is a system and if that is a reason to blog within WA?ts the purpose of that? Is it financially productive to be popular at WA? 

If YOU do not know, I guess we can find out together.

Tomorrows Goals: Find out where my Godaddy urls landed.  If I find them, I will experiment with attaching them

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