How I know I AM Addicted...

Last Update: January 18, 2010

Its simple. I give myself a time limit to do certain things. Like check in with WA, check on my buddies. In other words...a time allocation to accomplish certain tasks at certain places for the day.

I disobey myself! Already I should have been on to something else, like actual paid work from home. Time IS money. How we spend it is vital to our successes. SO, I gotta go. Can't come back until I accomplish other things on my "To Do" list.

Have a great day! Remember, You ARE your boss!

Oops. One last thing. If you have time, check out some of my links at the right side of my page. They won't bite. I promise. Let me know what you think and I will reciprocate. I promise.

PS: New Rule for me: No Wealthy Affiliate buddy, blogging, or forum until I accomplish other tasks first.

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Suzi Premium
This morning I behaved a little better. Not 8AM yet and I have my exercise done, well, patially done. I work outside the home today so that will be my saving grace.
ellyngeorge Premium
LOL - just too many places to go, people to see and stuff to learn here at WAU. It's fascinating, isn't it?