3rd $1000 month/Girdwood Ski Trip

Last Update: March 28, 2011

Had a great weekend up on the mountain in Girdwood, Alaska. The weather was great and I was able to enjoy some time with my friends and family skiiing. This all took place while my campaigns were running. I love making money and not having to be sitting in front of the computer to do it.

This March is now my 3rd $1000 month. I still can't believe it but it is possible. I am so, so happy and really look forward to increasing my business and spending more time with the family. I mean what better way to celebrate than to be at a beautiful mountain and enjoying the 40F degree weather while making money.

Please everyone understand it is possible. I wanted to post a few pics from my ski trip and hopefully inspire a few people to keep on writing, posting, blogging whatever you have going on and remember that we are trying to help people. 

Please enjoy my few pictures



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taku123 Premium
Thanks all, it has been a wild year so far. I am looking forward to the rest of it.
jimmywrex Premium
Great post!!! Love success stories.
Robg1 Premium
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on all your hard work and success! Thanks for sharing your great blog. I want to jump on my snowboard now. Cheers
jatdebeaune Premium
Good job. Beautiful pics. Now you're rolling.