Too Sad :-( Leaving Victoria Today

Last Update: August 26, 2010

Well unfortunately my time is up here in Victoria. It was a fantastic but ever so short vacation for my family and I. I am so proud of my son for hanging in there. At 5-1/2 months he did a fantastic job of traveling. 

I would like to give a big thank you to Jay "Magistudios"  for taking the time to visit with me by phone last night. Our schedules did not match so we did not get to meet up here in Victoria but the 40 minute conversation last night definitely was a huge help and great confidence booster. Thanks again Jay!

I will post some pictures when I get home and download them to the computer. Remember to take action and do not get discouraged. I have a new found fire lit under my rear and an excellent reason to continue to strive for the best. I will make that commitment and truly use the gifts that have been given me to get this thing moving.


P.S. Everyone should try and make it to Vancouver or Victoria for a holiday! What a beautiful place to visit. It really is right there with Alaska and where I live for all the beauty!

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taku123 Premium
Thanks Roger, I appreciate the compliment. I do look forward to getting back to Victoria some day! I will be in Washington for Christmas so maybe I can catch a ferry on over there.
morlandroger Premium
Glad you enjoyed Victoria. The rest of the Island is worth seeing too. The long beach at Tofino is stupendous and French Beach with the Olympic Mountains across the water is one of my favourite places. A beer at Spinnakers watching the planes and boats in the harbour was another lasting memory.
Good luck in the IM . I am sure the talk with Jay was very useful.
PS That is some cute kid. Mine are way past that age now.
morlandroger Premium
Glad you enjoyed Victoria. The rest of the Island is worth seeing too. The long beach at Tofino is stupendous and French Beach with the Olympic Mountains across the water is one of my favourite places. A beer at Spinnakers watching the planes and boats in the harbour was another lasting memory.
Good luck in the IM . I am sure the talk with Jay was very useful.
taku123 Premium
Thank you Louise, I actually got to chat with Jay while I was in Victoria, but unfortunately our schedules did not match for us to actually meet up. Hopefully next time!
Louise M. Premium
I'm sure Victoria is a beautiful place. Our dear Jay (magistudios) lives in Victoria and obviously enjoys it! Your son is so cute and small! :) I wish you the best!