About Taku123
Joined February 2010
I am here to start my new adventure. My wife and I had our first baby, a boy on March 9th. I figured this would be a great start for me to begin a new career. I currently work two jobs by my choice so that I have extra money for myself, one at a local lumberyard and the other at Target. They are not the best jobs but they help along with my wife's to pay the bills and give us extra cash. I used to make a good living working remotely in Alaska on tugboats as a deckhand/cook. When we decided to try to start a family I decided to stay close to home and see my wife more often. It has been great, we have traveled a lot and spent a great 5 years saving and planning for this day. I will say that at 34 years old I have learned you can never plan enough. I stumbled across WA via the internet in one of many evenings looking for an opportunity to make money online. I have tried a few other courses but either gave up or just thought they were sucking the money out of me. I feel as though I may have hooked a winner here and look forward to a successful career online.

One Year Since I Joined!
I joined the Wealthy Affiliate just over a year ago, and what a great choice that has been. I never imagined I would be where I am now. We have a 1 year old son, I am on my 3rd $1000 month and still going strong. I am looking forward to the day I can quit the daily grind of going to work and wake up and work from my home. I hope everyone gets to enjoy the level of success that I have been so lucky to have. Thanks to Kyle, Carson & Jay for all the help and support here at the Wealthy Affiliate! But my biggest thanks goes to YOU the Fellow Members who make the Wealthy Affiliate a real success.

Remember that it is possible, just take action and keep on working, the money will come and you will be glad you never gave up.
Taku123's Accomplishments

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Abnerfer Premium
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome! Congratulations!!!
Micky Premium
welcome to WA!
Pixote Premium
That is fantastic news. Best wishes to you and your wife on the baby. If you have any questions let us know.
taku123 Premium
Thanks, it is going to be a slow process for me but I llok forward to the few hours a week spending time here getting started.
View578 Premium
Welcoming you here and wishing you the best. Congratulations with your baby boy! : )
taku123 Premium
Thank you!