First Week Making Money!

Last Update: June 21, 2010

This is completely AWESOME!!! Last week was my first week actually making money, I am totally excited!!!!! I mean finally all the work and tutorials and watching videos has paid off.  I have made $103 since the 12th of June and this is just the beginning. I cannot believe my little PPC campaign and direct linking has worked so well. I have been so busy and all I can say is this is the best! I have been working at this since February of this year and I knew it would happen. Thanks to everyone along the way with all the inspiration and the help! I look forward to more $100 weeks and then on to more as i get better and get the campaigns going! Keep at it and take action! You gotta work it in order to get the money coming in. 

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Felio Premium
Congratulations! Your hardwork had paid off. Keep it up.