Time to Dig In!

Last Update: April 12, 2010

Easter has come and gone and into spring in Alaska. I look forward to having more time to spend working on my webpages and starting to make some sales. It has been a long road for me this past 2 months mainly with the birth of our son and then of course we have had family over on a continuous basis. I think I may get  a breather for the next few months. I put in my 2 week notice at my sencond job and this week will me my last at Target. I am wanting to put the hours I work over there into my IM career. This will now give me a dedicated amount of time I can use everyday to get more content out and start helping people and making some money. Thanks to all the info I have received over the past 2 months here at WA.  There is such a "wealth" of info and it is so nice to have this fanatastic support system, especially on the days when you are feeling down. Thanks again and I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the month.

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taku123 Premium
Thanks Mike, I look forward to quitting time at my f/t job in the future. Right now my main goal is to make enough money by years end to have my wife stay home with our son. Right now we send him to her sisters which is the next best thing to having my wife watch him. I know I am on the right track it will just be a matter of time. I see Pete has been busy cussing up a storm, He made it snow here in Alaska last night. You need to get him to take a breather, I do not think my wife can handle anymore snow, we thought spring was coming. lol..... anyways good to hear from ya, keep on keepin on and you will be quitting in no time.
sox1n05 Premium
Man, that is great! It's pretty liberating when you can give that notice, isn't it? I can't WAIT to do that for my f/t job...soon enough!