Vancouver BC Here We Come!

Last Update: June 03, 2010

Well my wife and I booked our vacation to Vancouver BC in August! I am really looking forward to some nice time away from work and relaxing a bit. This will be our first vacation together as a family since my son was born in March. I thought it would be kind a neat to travel to Vancouver and visit the homebase of our mentors Kyle and Carson. Even though I know I will not be meeting them in person I think it will give me a little sense of accomplishment knowing I can make it to the place they hail from. 

I think one day in the future I can say to my son, "Son, your first vacation was to BC where Kyle and Carson are from. We can thank them and the WA community for where we are today!" Well something like that. I mean, I know I will get to thank them when I get to Las Vegas one day. 

We will be flying to Seattle WA from Alaska and then take the train to Vancouver, spend 4 days there and then the ferry to Victoria Island, spend 3 days there and then on the ferry down to Port Angeles WA to the inlaws house. It should be a fun time and I am beginning to count down the days!

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Jamie Smith Premium
Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful vacation!
taku123 Premium
Thanks Jay, I will. Sherbet I will most definitely give Vancouver a big Hello for you! Thanks for the tip!
magistudio Premium Plus
You're going to love Vancouver. Send me a PM and I can give you some tips as to where to go when you arrive to Victoria.

As this is where I live.
magistudio Premium Plus
You're going to love Vancouver. Send me a PM and I can give you some tips as to where to go when you arrive to Victoria.

As this is where I live.
sherbet penny Premium
Hi Taku, nice post. I lived in Vancouver for a year and a half and had to come back to Ireland due to visa problems. I loved it and wish I was still there. Make sure you go over to north Vancouver to grouse mountain, very accessible with a family, and lots of stuff to do up there, it's beautiful. Stanly park is gorgeous too for a stroll, beautiful setting. Have a great holiday, say hello to Vancouver for me.