Posts by Techhound 9
The following article describes my experience in dealing with Microsoft.  Essentially, they inadvertently decided that my operating system (the one that came with the machine when I bought it) was no longer valid and rendered my machine pretty much useless (so limited that even the tech support people had a difficult time helping me. )   I posted it at Article Base. You can read more about it here:
October 16, 2009
Hey all, I've posted a message in the forum about the FTC and how it is cracking down on affiliate marketers.  In case you didn't read the post, I am including a link: Also, on I wrote an article (rather a commentary) on it.  You can see it here: I'd be interested to know if so far anyone is doing anything different
1 comment
October 15, 2009
A couple of weeks ago, I went to log into to my hosting and was having problems.  So I tried to look at one of my sites that I had on the account and this black screen came up with a message saying "This site has been hacked". It had a whole bunch of other freaky things that it said on there.  So I decided to look at some of the other sites that I have hosted there and sure enough, pretty much all of my sites were victims of this annoying prank.  So I contacted the hosti
October 07, 2009
I love internet marketing.  I do because it allows me to be really creative.  I don't often get to be that creative in my regular 9-to-5. With internet marketing I have the ability to create advertising campaigns, write articles, design web sites and graphics plus a whole lot more. I am learning too.  Not just about internet marketing but subjects that I have web sites for.  I've created car web sites, fashion web sites, education web sites, etc.  In order to make those
Facebook  has allowed me to reconnect with many people from both grammer school, high school, college, and anything after that.  So what does this have to do with The New York Pass?  Bear with me, I'll get to that in a soon.  A group of us from my college had decided to get a reunion going.  It wasn't an official decade reunion like the 10-year, 20-year etc.  It was a reunion of a group of us that used to hang out.   Then another group that my wife and I hung o
October 06, 2009
Hey Folks, I've ceated a new web site called Air Conditioner Prices.  It gives information on how to choose an air conditioner plus it shows the different types that are available. Regards, Jim
September 18, 2009
I wrote an article today for HubPages called, "We're Talking WEIRD".  You can seem more about it HERE    
September 17, 2009
I am starting something new here.  I am going to update my blog links to articles that I have written.  Here is the most recent list: Is The New York Pass Worth the Money? How to Design a Blog How To Protect Your eBay Auction Activity Finding Real Estate Owned Properties
September 15, 2009
Incorporating the capturing of emails into your campaigns is a must.  I have been working in internet marketing on and off for several years (that's why I joined WA this year to finally learn to do it right!)  But in that time, I never captured email addresses.  So about a month ago, I decided to give it a try.  I have three lists (I am using AWeber) and one of them gets at least one visitor a day.  The other two are dead, although admittedly I haven't done anything else