Incorporate a Mailing List

Last Update: September 15, 2009

Incorporating the capturing of emails into your campaigns is a must.  I have been working in internet marketing on and off for several years (that's why I joined WA this year to finally learn to do it right!)  But in that time, I never captured email addresses.  So about a month ago, I decided to give it a try.  I have three lists (I am using AWeber) and one of them gets at least one visitor a day.  The other two are dead, although admittedly I haven't done anything else to them to get traffic.

So one sign up a day doesn't sound like much, right?  But what if you had 50 or more lists all averaging one sign up a day?  At the end of ten days you'll have 500 people on your list.  What if you had 100 lists?  I think you get the idea.  

Now suppose over time you have 10,000 people on a list.  If you consider a conservative conversion rate of just 1% any time you send an email that has a product or service for sale, you are looking at 100 people buying your product.  If you take an average of $25 profit which is totally feasible, you are looking to earn $2500 any time you send an email to that list.  You still want to put email marketing on the backburner?

 You have at your disposle, right here on WA, techniques on list building that can be easily learned and incorporated.  Please by all means use them! 

 Good Luck,

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