I Love Internet Marketing

Last Update: October 07, 2009

I love internet marketing.  I do because it allows me to be really creative.  I don't often get to be that creative in my regular 9-to-5. With internet marketing I have the ability to create advertising campaigns, write articles, design web sites and graphics plus a whole lot more.

I am learning too.  Not just about internet marketing but subjects that I have web sites for.  I've created car web sites, fashion web sites, education web sites, etc.  In order to make those sites work, you have to have knowledge on the appropriate subject.

I get stoked when I work on my internet businesses.  That's something that definately does not happen in my regular job.  Granted, I am not quite at a point where I can give up my regular job but I'm getting closer.  My traffic is increasing and I am trying out new things all the time (back to that creativity stuff again!)

I have just created a web site along the theme of what I am talking about here.  It's called Creative Marketing Ideas 4 U. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

Until next post,


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