Posts by Ted_on_Kauai 6
Nothing like being on island time... It's been awhile, but finally getting back into the WA groove... I've taken down all the "under construction" signs on, added a few more blog articles (hope you like shrimp!) and even published my first Squidoo lens.   Can fame & fortune be far behind? If you have time and inclination, stop by and leave a message...  Aloha!  --ToK  
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In the course of working with Site Rubix and WordPress, I came to realize that I needed to get better acquainted with HTML.  I've come across a free online site that seems pretty decent so far-- It's got it's own practice editor so you can experiment as you like when you like.  It's broken into very bite size chapters and has lots of reference pages.  There's probably lots of other sites, but if you're just looking to get your fee
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Aloha kakou (Hi Everyone)! It's been hectic the last few days as I've been working through WordPress start-up issues and converting the Site Rubix  version of my website into what I hope will be a more robust WordPress version. Thanks to veryz, MoHawX, johnpaul,  and  Drea101  for their replies to my Forum postings.  Sorry I didn't reply sooner.  I've been spending too much time trying to hack HTML.  All these "user-friendly" editors just haven't
In the last couple days I've fixed some bugs, updated my website, joined Commission Junction, applied as an Affiliate to, posted a new article on Vacation Rentals on my site, posted some questions in the Site Rubix forum, and posted a resource on ways to unblock writer's block (among other things). In the course of doing all that, my "Member Rank" shot up from somewhere around 2,600 to 85 as of this writing.  Look out Kyle & Carson! (lol) Seriously,  I have n
Well, if you made it through my “About Me” post, you learned a lot about my past, but not a whole lot about my likes and interests.  And since that’s where I intend to focus my affiliate marketing efforts, what better way to start out my blog ;) I’m going to be targeting the following areas:  -- Writing  -- Food & Wine  -- Travel  -- Learning If you’ve been doing your WA homework, you know there are plenty of niche marketing opportunities in these categori
March 28, 2010
Please check out the first version of my website: This is definitely a work in progress; any and all comments and suggestions gratefully accepted.  My thanks to WA associate Deb williams for excellent resources!  She becomes the latest ToK Excellence in Content award winner  for her video tutorials on Site Rubix and WordPress.  My next steps include integrating WordPress and some affiliate links, and oh yes, making some money...  But first I need to
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