Like Writing, Food & Wine, Travel, Learning?

Last Update: March 29, 2010

Well, if you made it through my “About Me” post, you learned a lot about my past, but not a whole lot about my likes and interests.  And since that’s where I intend to focus my affiliate marketing efforts, what better way to start out my blog ;)

I’m going to be targeting the following areas:

 -- Writing

 -- Food & Wine

 -- Travel

 -- Learning

If you’ve been doing your WA homework, you know there are plenty of niche marketing opportunities in these categories.  I don’t necessarily consider myself a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in all these areas, more of a Subject Matter Guide (SMG).  My short term goal is to get my own website up and running to use as home base for distributing quality content in these areas and establishing my credibility.  If you share an interest in these areas, I hope you’ll join me for the ride!

Since I brought up homework, I’d like to take a moment to publicly recognize and recommend a couple of WA Members that I’ve found especially and consistently helpful so far:

 -- PotPieGirl

 -- welshy

Please accept my first “Ted.on.Kauai” awards for outstanding achievement in quality content.  Keep up the good work! 

PS.  The Gold is in the mail!  --ToK ;)


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