WordPress Version of Website Up and Running

Last Update: April 05, 2010

Aloha kakou (Hi Everyone)!

It's been hectic the last few days as I've been working through WordPress start-up issues and converting the Site Rubix  version of my website into what I hope will be a more robust WordPress version.

Thanks to veryz, MoHawX, johnpaul and  Drea101  for their replies to my Forum postings.  Sorry I didn't reply sooner.  I've been spending too much time trying to hack HTML.  All these "user-friendly" editors just haven't been very efficient for me.

I still have a lot to learn and a lot to do, but if you're curious, head on over to http://www.ted-on-kauai.com.   If nothing else, enjoy the pictures!   --ToK



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kurri Premium
Hi Ted,
Just visited your website ... great job and interesting content. I know its a steep learning curve ... but, what a great challenge with definite potential!
All the very best to you!
jrtysam Premium
site looks great. I was in Kauai 9 years ago for my honeymoon. Looking at your pictures makes me want to go back.