Made My First Sale!!

Last Update: March 05, 2011

 Hey Wealthy Affiliates,

It's been quite a while since I've posted on my blog, and I fired it up a few minutes ago wanting to write about how I've been making good progress, but no sale so far. 

Well guess what... I just checked my Clickbank account and there's a nice little commission of $78.93 sitting in there! That just made my day like you can't imagine, and you know what, it's not so much the money involved as the proof that my hard work has paid off and that this works!!

Rewind to just three weeks ago, I had just arrived back home after travelling overseas for the Lunar New Year to visit friends and family. That's when I really began putting all my research together into my site at, setting up my autoresponder series and bribe, and writing articles to market the affiliate products. 

What a difference three weeks makes! Today I have more than 20 articles written and posted on to various articles sites all over the internet, and bringing traffic back to my site and I've already got 23 people signed up to my list as well. A few days ago, I began my Article Marketing/SEO accreditation on Wealthy Affiliate to take my efforts to the next level, and with what I've learned and implemented so far and the results that I'm seeing... I'm confident that there are many more sales to come!!

I can promise you that you'll be hearing a lot more success stories from me!


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Sherion Premium
Way to go. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes To You.
wandah Premium
Your story is indeed motivation for my own journey.
Thank you so much for sharing.

I am always happy to have another buddy.
wandah Premium
Your story is indeed motivation for my own journey.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on all your hard work and success!
Cgonz Premium
That's Awesome! =)