Posts by Thesue 47
I have been doing this for two years.... but I just finished the Article Marketing Course.  I started it way last summer and took so long because I actually tried to do everything they told you!  What held me up was the PPC stuf as that scared me.  But I got my first ad put up.. so we shall see.  The best thing about taking this course when I already knew what I was doing, was filling in the blanks, and tweaking what  I thought I knew.    The other things was
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January 03, 2012
I did not realize it has been so long since I blogged on WA!  One of the first suggestions Kyle and Carson had in their original training for newbies was to use the blog as a way to organizes yourself and prioritize and make goals.  So that is what I have done and it works well.  So here I go getting back on track. What 2011 did for me First and foremost is family and our daughter got married last November.  It was a wonderful wedding with family and friends, so that could
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August 26, 2011
Just in case you ever worried about your priorities..... too much time on the computer and all of that.... Preparing our Eastern coastal manufactured home to take a hit  takes precedence on all my IM stuff....... :) I will catch the one wabinar I really really really wanted to be a part of on backlinks as a replay next week....   ttfn    
Hey guys-- Lets have some fun! I think it would be fun for WA members to take a break and have a silly moment! There are a million little pieces that once you "get" and see how they fit together ... it all works....  some of those little pieces are annoying, some look like fun, others ... well you get the picture. So what little IM job would you do? ME? I want to be the one dreaming up the Captha phrases......  
May 05, 2011
I have been busy and hope to finally be on the road to weekly plan that will be more efficient! Little Rhody got me into a thing he does with tickets.  That is bringing in some income. You have to put your time in, but it does work. I have a course I bought and need to start  on real products.  My WA background and tools will come in very handy. My  educational affiliate product is selling well, and the owner is enlisting my help to maintain the site. I have been able to do
Kyle and Carson have been on top of things by letting us know what is up from their perspective on this Content Farm thing.  The forum thread is quite good! Here are some things I am still wondering about as it relates to what I have been taught previously about getting traffic and ranking. Of course it ALL has to do with BACKLINKING!  my nemesis   My wish is that my unique content would make the need for all this extra posting here there and everywhere less important. I am n
February 19, 2011
It took two weeks but I finally finished this thing!  If I was a newbie it would have created a lot of stumbling blocks because a lot of those sites use HTML AND use WordPress, which has its own learning curve.  What took so long? I took the time to make a linkwheel spreadsheet, so it will be quicker next time, the links are all set up I had to write 12 unique and original copy and was not sure how long to make them so I guessed 300-350 words. I did write one and rewrote it two times
While they are all in Vegas....I  am... ....Figuring I better get my act together and work on promoting WA so I can go to Vegas --never been there ....Making myself do a Linkwheel.  Signing up for all those places takes time.  ....Using old ezines, rewriting them with new KW and posting on Streetwise.  I try to do one a day. ...going to create some press releases.... I realized it is easier than it seemed at first. ... working on social networking based on Justin Brooke's
January 22, 2011
I just had to drop working on WA promotion, WAbinars, Article Marketing certification over the holidays.  It was just too much.  I DID work on one new website from a niche where I actually made some money last year.  So my head is clear on this, but it is hard to get back on the wagon. What I hope to do is devote 90 minutes a day to this site, then move on and work on other things.  That should give me forward progress. I wish I was one of the people already making money that
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December 01, 2010
I am trying to stay focused and just work on a few projects and get the sites built up like Marcus said to do in the Club,  but My mind wanders..... Too many emails from too many people pretending to give you free advice and really selling you the next and greatest thing  OR a bunch of pre-launch blather----  I've been at this too long, I can see through it all now.  I started just deleting without reading all but two people, just to keep my head sane. I am great at organizin
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