OMG I finished my Linkwheel!

Last Update: February 19, 2011

It took two weeks but I finally finished this thing!  If I was a newbie it would have created a lot of stumbling blocks because a lot of those sites use HTML AND use WordPress, which has its own learning curve.

 What took so long?

  • I took the time to make a linkwheel spreadsheet, so it will be quicker next time, the links are all set up
  • I had to write 12 unique and original copy and was not sure how long to make them so I guessed 300-350 words.
  • I did write one and rewrote it two times -- used on on each spoke, that saved some time
  • There was a learning curve for some of those sites
  • It was not easy to figure out how to go back and edit after" marinating"
  • It was unclear how to use KW--- I still don't know, we kind of had to guess on the forum thread,
  • I kept having to go back and check out my titles to be sure they were different

What I will do differently next time

  • Add a titles column to the spreadsheet
  • When I write the content for the blog and article to match I will also write ta  300-350 word blurb and rewrite it twice so the content is ready for next time.
  • I will make the Tier 1 sites right away after I make the new main site pages.  then when ready to do the linkwheel, half of it is done.
  • Put some social book mark links and bookmark a page after I ping.

These are just my thoughts....

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Kathy389 Premium
That's great! I'm only a third of the way through,5 articles done and posted. I can't get my brain to push out more articles with relevant good content. Make sure to let us know what kind of traffic it produces and how your site gets ranked.
morlandroger Premium
Fantastic. I am building a linkwheel at the moment. One main site and the product I am promoting is divided into regions and in those regions are many manufacturers. Almost a natural linkwheel. Once the basic structure is finished I can add more almost adfinitum just every so often. Main site is on page 5 of Google but last week was on 8 so slow and steady does it.

One thing that has happened though is that different sites are being indexed at different times. 2 Weebly sites are almost the first and yet to be indexed. Hubpages very quick and Squidoo somewhere in between. For that reason I am putting all the links in from the start. Saves work and hopefully as everything will appear only when it gets indexed I am hoping that it is all natural looking.

I am using Bubbl at the moment but actually think I will go to old fashioned paper and pencil to organize in the future.
jatdebeaune Premium
Great! I have to do it yet. Bite the bullet and just do it. Congratulations!
helpingpeople Premium
Good job for finishing your linkwheel. The majority of people would have quit when it got hard.