Holiday Break Good or Not?

Last Update: January 22, 2011

I just had to drop working on WA promotion, WAbinars, Article Marketing certification over the holidays.  It was just too much.  I DID work on one new website from a niche where I actually made some money last year.  So my head is clear on this, but it is hard to get back on the wagon. What I hope to do is devote 90 minutes a day to this site, then move on and work on other things.  That should give me forward progress.

I wish I was one of the people already making money that could go to Vegas and learn what to do to make more money.  I think that is a great incentive that K&C  offer, but what I wouldn't give for 30 minutes with them NOW to help me get  to that level!!!

When I logged on today I saw quite a few new things going on and that is exciting.     I have to read more about it, but that Street Article thing looks like a great tool,  a site that will not penalize you for being a marketer! AND will let you talk about WA!

Hopefully everyone will have a good 2011 here at WA


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Hazie Premium
Sounds like you're taking some time for yourself, which is great. And, you're focusing. I really your suggestion about 30 minutes from the WA whiz kids. I actually put out a question earlier today to see if some would respond to questions I have about my site stats. Got some feedback. Good luck.