Make Procrastination Work!

Last Update: September 28, 2010

I am writing here to procrastinate working on my 30 day article marketing assignment from Marcus.  In this case it is not that I do not get it, I just can't get started today.  Once I get there, I will be able to do my three tasks and move along.  It made me think of some of the things I end up doing here on WA and for my own when I am procrastinating--- a lot of them end up being quite useful and some well, serve the purpose, it wastes time until I can gear back up.


  1. DATA TRACKING--I started making excel charts  and so I use up a lot of time getting all my kw and blog post links and ezine links etc etc organized.   I of course have three different systems, one I am making up myself as I go with the 30 day thing, and two I downloaded as free bonus stuff from others.  Why make it easy?
  2. Clear out my Inbox from all the autoresponder emails I get from stuff I bought or took a free download from.  One day I need to unsubscribe! What this does is make me read them all, and delete or choose to add ome more download to my stash. 
  3. Read and or organize the downloads, videos take notes-  That is when I really am procrastinating.  I only read backlink stuff now, as that is still my weak spot. But I have taken the time to make new folders and move stuff to where it belongs so when I want to read something, I can FIND it.
  4. Write an email to my WAbuddy who has been helping me.  Or read one I get from the buddy.  We help keep each other organized.


  1. The forums-- yes I know,  a doubel edge sword.   But if I am in a procrastination mood to begin with------ it is not so useful.  Often the questions I REALLY need answered often go ignored and the other stuff I just waste time writing and talking and then it is even harder to get motivated.   
  2. Training-- another double edge-- but when I am in the procrastination mood,  the training center is not useful, since I am not really looking for answers.  It is VERYUSEFUL  when I do need specific answers.  AT this point, I really need to stick with what I have, I have enough!

So the bottom line is to recognize my mood, and know that some normally helpful things will do me no good when I am in procrastination mode.   


There are great downloads and some are free courses that come by-- and what they end up doing is distract me, because  you have to stop and read all the stuff, and listen to the videos and take notes and go through all the bonus material---  

the problem is if you do not take advantage of it now, then I will forget!

 So I have made a pledge  no more downloads free or paid until January, I need to focus on what I have!

Now all I have to do is start earning some money-- still my biggest frustration.






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