Snowoverit- and a I Should Have Know Better

Last Update: February 10, 2010

 TODAY with MORE falling on us we are just snowoverit!!!

This is the most recent catchword on the Mid Atlantic Coast-- THREE storms all measured in feet, in less than two weeks!  Since snow is fun to watch come down, and does need shoveled, and the neighbor lady who is 76 years old needed shoveled out,too---- WA was not as focused as I would have liked.

I am still staying the making It My Own course I set up, have contacted the vendors for some ideas, and problem solving. One is giving me all kinds of help.  I need to finish my 20-30 articles I should have finished last week, and move on to the next product.

I was able to get a WA writing job, that put my article writing on hold, for a few days, and that went quite well, an opportunity for more jobs later.

I still feel a true schedule is just out of my reach, I keep thinking of all the things I know I should be doing, that run out of time---


I wasted my time on a recommended video sent to me via a successful WAmember  who I signed up with for email stuff.  Anyway, the stuff I get from that person is always good  and free and helpful.  But one of the people this member recommended to get advice from, sent a video of some other dude-- and I should have known better.  It advertised that he would tell us the system that works for him  since he is so successful now, he wants to share blah bla that has helped all these thousands of people blah blah and only have room for a limited number blah blah.  All the time I am thinking I am going to get some helpful information on setting up email lists, to add to my arsenal-- and like I said I should have known,of course he was willing to give me information for  around $500, which of course  after listening to  pages and pages of price jusitfication blah blah----

When I am ready to learn about email lists, I will trust Kyle and Carson and WA tutorials to get me started.  And that successful person who sends helpful stuff out all the time.  I am pretty sure, this person would be disappointed that the people they send emails to  had to listen to all that blah blah for nothing.




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