The COOL thing is my WA training has kicked in....

Last Update: August 21, 2010

I have four  things going.  My WA funnel,  a real products  program from CWS and I caved an bought MarkLings Jetpack, mainly for the articles and content.  but am following his suggestions just to see.  I am also doing research for aloyal subscriber.  One more thing would be too many.  What has been cool is my confidence and foundation from WA has made learning these systems a piece of cake.  I get it and it does not make my eyes roll back in my head.

I did like you are supposed to and only used money I earned in my first year to pay for some of these things.(including my WA yearly renewal).  WA renewal, the two systems and an article submitter took about 70%.  So I am building again,

I do not have enough left to outsource yet, but I am counting the days, let me tell you.  Setting up these Wordpress sites the way they should be optimized, and then doing all the backlink things is time consuming to say the least.   But I have a basic schedule that I follow. Anything new I learn from one place or another, I try to go back in and make adjustments to everything!  Sheesh that takes forever.

I am successfully ignoring all offers that come in my email for new training or #1 Google--- I have enough here and saved on my laptop to last a lifetime. So I break my days up my week and move along in all projects.  

The real products is up and going and I am just adding new content.   WA is lagging, I need to get back to that, but I was up to my ears in other things.  That is up and running and just needs love with new posts and links each week.  my jetpack thing is almost finished with my first one.  What he does that Kyle dand Carson need to do more of is show step by step video  so I can have the video up, pause click on my page and do, back and forth, see and do. That has helped me learn Wordpress.

So off I go again into my cave--I come out to do KW research on here and work on my sites hosted here.  I am tempted, but do not fall to watch some of the new training I see.  I will come back and do those when these are all up and running and on maintenance mode. I do chime in on forum stuff though, I would not be here without the help I got on the forum.

And for those who know me--- I am on my third round of color coded index cards.  I buy 3 packs at a time.  i will be reorganizing and consolodating everything soon.

An again, the COOL thing is when I was watching the videos for how to use these systems, my WA training kicked in and I knew what they were talking about and only added a tweak here and there to what I have learned.





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