Changing my sleep schedule

Last Update: January 27, 2011

I've been fighting the past couple of months with staying up in the afternoon after I get home from work.  It's like the bed is calling to me.  Usually I would end up taking a nap, but  lot of times I would end up sleeping straight through  to the next morning.  I would kind of feel like I wasted that time.

 At the same time even when I do stay up I have trouble falling asleep at a normal bed time 10pm and getting a good nights rest.  I've noticed that I get much better sleep in the afternoon.

 With all that being said I decided to just go to sleep when I get home from work.  Then I'll wake up and start my day at 10 pm.  I've only done it for one day so far and it worked out surprisingly well.  I wasn't super tired at work.  In fact when it came time to go to work in the morning I actually had time to have a nice relaxing breakfast and it was the most awake I have ever been at 5am.

 I'm going to go with it for now, and see how it works out.

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