Day 8: Ever Get That Uncomfortable Feeling...?

Last Update: June 12, 2012
I decided to follow the 30 day plan a little bit more closely due to my tendency to become distracted and less focused over time. I think the distractedness might result from me reaching a point of being uncomfortable and not quite sure what to do. Instead of pushing through it I start a new project or come up with a new plan of action.

I added some content to the homepage. I made this quite a bit harder than it needed to be. I think one of my biggest hurdles is self-judgement. I always think everything has to be perfect. I don't want to put stuff out that's not perfect. Which is actually kind of amusing because I tend to be quite lazy and only do the minimum work to get by.

The only thing I can make of those two traits is that I somehow set them up to give myself a pretty good excuse to sit around and do anything but internet marketing. I constantly have to remind myself to just get the content out there. I'll always be able to go back and improve it later.

This is probably the most I've ever participated in WA throughout the three years I've been here. For the most part I've been a forum lurker or completely MIA. I didn't realize how enjoyable it was to read other people's blog.

Seems like everyday I find a golden nugget in someone's blog post. I love reading the "AHA" moments where people share realizations that they've had. Oftentimes it serves as a reminder to me of similar "AHA" moments I've had throughout the years. It's funny how much in common I have with people I've never met.

The other thing I completed today was that I typed up and published a blog post I had written on paper. I realized that if you write the article around a keyword it makes it a lot easier to decide on the article title and meta tags later on.

Feeling A little lost...

I'm kind of conflicted about what I want to do. Initially, I was going to just make this blog to presell girl gets ring. Then somewhere along the way I thought it would be nice to make a site with a lot of quality content on it that women would get a lot of value from.

Then a thought crossed my mind: what if preselling works better than having a bunch of articles on the site? By preselling I'm talking about those "Google sniper" type of sites.

If I have a blog posts do I just link each blog post to the video sales letter? Would I link them to a presell page that then links to the merchant page?

Then I had another thought: I really want to start building an email list. Am I better off just building squeeze pages, sending traffic to the squeeze page and then delivering the content I would have used as blog posts by email instead?

I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

flossing: check
lots of water: check
ran today: check

P.S. - Almost forgot to mention I haven't drank any soda since Thursday. The hardest part was not drinking it with lunch. I've been able to resist so far.
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veronica.l Premium
Glad you got your run and floss in :) I know sometimes we get soo overwhelmed by all the great ways to market our site. I think the best thing is to stick with one of your ideas and then build from there.

I would start with a "sniper site" build it out with quality content now you will get a authority site and along the way you can build your list. Focus on one thing at the time though.
ThomasPaul Premium
I'm actually surprised at how easy it's been to keep on running and flossing. I think the biggest thing is I finally got a routine that works for me.

I get home from work. Immediately I'll put on my workout clothes and running shoes and go from a run. Running after I get home from work has been helping me get over that afternoon hump where I just feel like taking a nap. Since I don't take a nap I have more time for other things. :)

The biggest thing for flossing, is I started flossing about an hour before I intend to go to bed. This way I don't put it off because I'm tired and just want to go to sleep.

I think I will build it out with quality content. That will give me something to work with in the future.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Thomas. I think there is not just one way of marketing, and they all work. I tend to prefer to build authority sites and link to product pages on those sites from my articles, but combined with linking to other relevant articles on my own site. Linking to a landing page from your article also works, especially if you have one or two products with affiliate links, or a CPA offer. I think having a list is important for each niche you are involved in. You can build it pretty fast. Having an opt in on your site's homepage or landing page will help to build your list. There are also other ways to build a list. From what I've learned so far, it's being in front of people constantly with quality info, quality products, and quality freebies that builds your business. Try one marketing method at a time. You'll find out what workd best for you..
ThomasPaul Premium
Thank you for the advice.

I think for now I'm just going to add an optin at the top of the sidebar. Then I'm just going to focus on putting quality content on the site, and worry about linking/monetizing it later on.

If I get traffic from the site by chance they'll have lots to read, and have the option of joining my list.

I tend to worry about things that I shouldn't be worrying about at the moment. I like to plan way far ahead, but that usually ends up hurting me in the form of inaction.
CEugene Premium
Just keep on doing what you're doing. I'll tell you first hand that until you really get the hang of things... only work on one project at a time and don't stop until you're finished. Also, in response to your comment about making content writing way harder than it has to be... don't forget that you can always outsource content. I write a lot of content myself, but I also outsource tons of it. You can get well written content for a couple bucks that will save you a lot of headache in the long run when you start doing things on a mass scale. I'm not going to suggest any specific sites or content writers because I don't want people to think I'm trying to sell you on something I'm involved with... but just google content writers and you will get plenty of results!
Amy Farr Premium
Great blog post ThomasPaul...I just started 2 weeks ago and am finally on day 7 of the 30 day program. I am very much like you, I am afraid to link to my site d/t the content. But what the heck, I'll keep writing articles and market and the traffic will get there anyway :) so time to rock on the marketing.
Thank you for the info on outsourcing. My website topic is very broad, so that is definately something I will be doing in the future! Thank you for heading off some heartburn and headahces for me !!
ThomasPaul Premium
@CEugene - yeah it's definitely time for me to buckle down and focus. I think I will try to outsource some articles each month, I'm still bootstrapping it though so I can only buy so much until I get the sites making money.

I always hate that to get the hang of things you have to go through a period of uncomfortableness. Oh well, just something I'm going to have to learn be ok with.

@Amy Farr - Thanks for stopping by. I'm just going to keep chugging along. I'm sure the more I do it the better I'll become at it, and the more comfortable I'll be with the process.