Posts by ThomasPaul 29
June 30, 2012
Hey there future website owner!Thanks for stopping by to learn how to set-up a website. My name is Thomas and this is my blog here at Wealthy Affiliate.In just a couple of paragraphs I will be giving you the links to a couple resources that you can find here at Wealthy Affiliate that talk about how to setup a website.These tutorials are mostly focused on using a content management system called "Wordpress" for building websites. Wordpress simplifies the process of building a website by providin
Well it's been nearly two weeks since I last posted a daily update. I haven't been doing much in terms of internet marketing.I flew to Denver to attend my cousin's wedding. After that I have just been visiting with friends and family. It's always nice to see loved ones. In a couple more days I'll be driving down to New Mexico for a family reunion. So it will have been a pretty eventful trip by the time it's all said and done.The other night a blog post by Kyle on why
Has anyone seen this before: I haven't advertised on adwords in a long time. When did they start allowing you to collect email addresses in the ad? Is this a new thing or relatively old? I don't normally use google search while signed into my account, this time I happened to be. Google actually automatically populated the field with my email address.
Today I wrote about half a blog post. I'll finish it up tomorrow. I also watched some training videos.flossing: checklots of water: checkran today: check
I decided to follow the 30 day plan a little bit more closely due to my tendency to become distracted and less focused over time. I think the distractedness might result from me reaching a point of being uncomfortable and not quite sure what to do. Instead of pushing through it I start a new project or come up with a new plan of action.I added some content to the homepage. I made this quite a bit harder than it needed to be. I think one of my biggest hurdles is self-judgement. I always think eve
June 11, 2012
Day 6: another unproductive day. I was in a funk.Day 7: wrote some content for a free bonus to giveaway.
June 09, 2012
Didn't get anything done with the websites. I did floss and drink a gallon of water though, lol. Just one of those days...
June 08, 2012
I ended up buying the avenger skin instead of the blogskin. After that I installed it. I also created a new list in aweber for the site and added the list name in the appropriate section of the skin. I still need to make a few tweaks before I have the design the way I want it. I also wrote some content for the site during a break at work.I'm keeping steady with the running. I've ran everyday this week so far. I think I'll take the day off on Saturday to give my knees a rest. I
June 07, 2012
Didn't work too much on the site today. Pretty much just spent a little time browsing the thesis skins out there. I think I'm going to use the ThesisAwesome Blogskin. I'm using it on one of my other sites and I like the look of it.Tomorrow, I'll install it and pretty much be done with the design aspect of the site. I'll also know how wide to make the header for the site.In the past I spent a lot of time trying to tweak thesis myself, before I realized that I was better of
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A New Site I decided to start a new blog to promote Girl Gets Ring on clickbank. It's: I have a site that I'm working on to help men get dates on online dating sites, so I figured why not start a site that will help women get men to commit to them. We'll see how it goes.In the past I haven't really been to open about my sites. It took me forever, just to list a few of the sites I have in my profile. To be honest most of my sites I haven